Thursday, July 07, 2005

Minnesota Vacation

Rainbow over Gull lake in Minnesota after a late June thunderstorm.

I was on vacation last week. The wife and I took our granddaughter and went to visit our youngest daughter who's working in Minnesota this summer at a lake lodge. We stayed in my sister-in-law's cabin on the lake. It was a really enjoyable vacation this year. I was reminded of how much of my time and my mind I let television eat into since the cabin had only one small tv in one of the bedrooms. It got referred to for weather forcasts, but that was about it.

I got a lot of reading done, bringing 4 books and a couple of magazines with me. Additionally, I did extensive work on an essay I've been working on (off and on) for some time. You'll be able to read it here and on my website "real soon now". I also took lots of pictures (over 100).

My granddaughter, K. Lee and me in the cabin on out last full day there. I'm the one with the beard.

I played a couple of rounds of golf on the lodge's small 9-hole course and did some fishing with the kids. We had a pretty serious thunderstorm roll thru on Wednesday evening, but were treated to an excellent rainbow and surreal clouds afterwords. All in all, I felt like you should after a good vacation. Rested and as ready as one can be to reenter the rat-race of modern American life.

Excellent clouds after the thunderstorm.


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