Desiring Machines
A bit of brilliant insight from the incomparable Doktor Chris Titan, over on Frequency 23's forums.
Freq23 member carney said:
"we can be defined by any book or leader or fucking Jesus wanna be that comes along an gain's [sic] the George Bush paid for presidency, just because we as humanoids turn this box on to get rid of all our stress, and then it tells you what to do how to look who to talk to, an what to piss eat an drink."
To which Doktor Titan replied:
"We have been looking at Deluze's "Desiring Machines" as models for social beavior. [sic] Bush represents a huge desire machine on behalf of very organized men, we would call them evil i(f) there were such a polarity. Their desire machine is so powerful that it entrains other desire machines to it, either by resonance or mechanical manipulation. I still grab a quick McDonalds hamburger when I am in the mood, crappy cheap grease fits drives my desire machine more than my hatred of corporate skum bags. [sic]
To deal with this we are going to have to take what I have discovered is called a Tactical approach rather then a Strategic approach.
Todd May in his lecture The Political Philosophy of Poststrucuralist Anarchism defines the tactical approach to Anarchism and how to view how Power creates human behavior.
We will have to have a firm grip on our Personal Power to make changes in our personal behavior that will 'liberate' us from the social practices that we are entrained by.
We will have to create viable Desire Machines to keep us employed in jobs that further the awakening of desireing [sic] machines that work towards individual liberty and expression.
Our work must "constrain" the behaviors of the infected social meme... this is the power relationship that we must establish. The best way to do this so far is in music, art and other media. The Desire Machines created by the natural resistance to slavery has developed to a(n) interesting point, we have things like NewFalcon, Grant Morrison, and Tool driving the market... "contraining" the establishment to carry these products that are loaded with viral ideas that will spread the Desire Machine.
Power creates..."
I had to add a link to Influence:The Psychology of Persuasion to the discussion which should be required reading for all Americans as well as members of other consumer cultures.
Freq23 member carney said:
"we can be defined by any book or leader or fucking Jesus wanna be that comes along an gain's [sic] the George Bush paid for presidency, just because we as humanoids turn this box on to get rid of all our stress, and then it tells you what to do how to look who to talk to, an what to piss eat an drink."
To which Doktor Titan replied:
"We have been looking at Deluze's "Desiring Machines" as models for social beavior. [sic] Bush represents a huge desire machine on behalf of very organized men, we would call them evil i(f) there were such a polarity. Their desire machine is so powerful that it entrains other desire machines to it, either by resonance or mechanical manipulation. I still grab a quick McDonalds hamburger when I am in the mood, crappy cheap grease fits drives my desire machine more than my hatred of corporate skum bags. [sic]
To deal with this we are going to have to take what I have discovered is called a Tactical approach rather then a Strategic approach.
Todd May in his lecture The Political Philosophy of Poststrucuralist Anarchism defines the tactical approach to Anarchism and how to view how Power creates human behavior.
We will have to have a firm grip on our Personal Power to make changes in our personal behavior that will 'liberate' us from the social practices that we are entrained by.
We will have to create viable Desire Machines to keep us employed in jobs that further the awakening of desireing [sic] machines that work towards individual liberty and expression.
Our work must "constrain" the behaviors of the infected social meme... this is the power relationship that we must establish. The best way to do this so far is in music, art and other media. The Desire Machines created by the natural resistance to slavery has developed to a(n) interesting point, we have things like NewFalcon, Grant Morrison, and Tool driving the market... "contraining" the establishment to carry these products that are loaded with viral ideas that will spread the Desire Machine.
Power creates..."
I had to add a link to Influence:The Psychology of Persuasion to the discussion which should be required reading for all Americans as well as members of other consumer cultures.
technorati tags:desire, culture, persuasion, art
Blogged with Flock
posted by RocketJam at 10:23 AM