Friday, July 08, 2005


I just can't leave George W. alone. I looked at the comments he made to the press after the tragic bombings in London on July 8th and thought he doesn't get it and never will. Before I comment on Bush's statement, I want to make clear that I abhor the bombings and the view of those responsible that their "cause" justifies killing and injuring people. Especially civilians. I have first-hand experience with terrorist bombings. I know whereof I speak on this issue.

Regarding the president's statement, he said, "The contrast between what we've seen on the TV screens here, what's taken place in London and what's taking place here is incredibly vivid to me. On the one hand, we have people here who are working to alleviate poverty, to help rid the world of the pandemic of AIDS, working on ways to have a clean environment. And on the other hand, you've got people killing innocent people. And the contrast couldn't be clearer between the intentions and the hearts of those of us who care deeply about human rights and human liberty, and those who kill -- those who have got such evil in their heart that they will take the lives of innocent folks."

Mr. Bush wants to point out the taking of innocent lives by the terrorists. As I said earlier, this is to be abhorred. I want to point out that the number of innocent people killed in Iraq by U.S. troops is far greater than the number killed by Al Qaida terrorists in NYC, Madrid and London combined. While the U.S. has not made it a policy to kill innocent civilians and those who are "accidentally" killed are referred to as collateral damage since they were many times, just unlucky to be in the way of firefights or bad intelligence or whatever, they're still dead. Probably doesn't matter much to them what the circumstances of their being killed were.

I'm always troubled when Bush claims to care deeply about human rights and human liberty. I think Guatanimo Bay and Abu Graib show how much he and his administration really care about human rights. I guess as long as you're a law-abiding citizen of a western democracy, they care about your rights and liberty.

The next part of his statement I want to quote is what originally caught my ear. He said, "We will find them, we will bring them to justice, and at the same time, we will spread an ideology of hope and compassion that will overwhelm their ideology of hate."

Yes, ideology. That seems to me to be at the root of the problem. Here's a definition for ideology:

Ideology (n): A system of ideas and beliefs that commonly supplants reality among weaker minds. Syn: Bullshit.

I think ideology replaces thinking. That would explain a lot about this administration.


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