Tuesday, June 06, 2006

One Year +

I failed to make mention of it when it passed, but the end of April marked the one-year anniversary of this blog. So, I'm kind of proud of myself for keeping it going. I owe Ben Mack a big thank you for being the person who gave me the push to start writing. I still don't write as much as I'd like to but I write a lot more than I did a year ago!

Thanks to Ben I also opened an account and started a blog on GNN. Since GNN is a political-oriented site, I tend to do more writing on that blog than this one, because it's easy for me to get worked up about political issues. I also do some posting on Frequency23.

I need to do a bit more maintenence on this blog, keeping the links in sidebar updated and whatnot. And I need to work on making my writing subject-matter a bit more diverse.


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