Thursday, September 01, 2005


Is it just me, or does it seem like the government was ill-prepared and now no one is in charge of the relief effort for hurricane Katrina? Here are some insightful thoughts on this issue. And there's this timeline on FEMA and flood control projects under the Bush administration.


Blogger RocketJam said...

We've been battered pretty harshly w/tornados in my neck of the woods the past few years.

It seems the experience here hasn't been quite as bad. Of course, I've been spared and so haven't had any kind of direct dealings with FEMA. And, since the Oklahoma City bombing, Oklahoma has done a good job as a state in responding to local disasters. FEMA's current performance in New Orleans is inexcusable. Your post on this is great.

Hey, that's a cool Aztec graphic you've got. Or is it Mayan?

12:15 PM  
Blogger molly said...

I am doubtful that anyone could totally have prepared for this type of disaster, but it could have been much better. I think that the government's response to it has been horrific,but the general public's and even corporate response has been magnanimous. Do you have any ideas as to how groups can gradually change an infrastructure (such as the gov) without a coup or civil war? btw, have a good weekend.

2:52 PM  
Blogger RocketJam said...

I agree Molly, I'm sure no one could have completely prepared, and the first day or two afterwards, I was willing to cut the gov't a bit of slack as it did seem really difficult to get into New Orleans (from what you could see on the news). But as Ted Koppel pointed out to the FEMA director on Nightline last night, it had been 5 days yesterday and there were still massive amounts of people going without food and water. How many people died that probably would have survived if relief had been provided within a reasonable amount of time? I'm sure we'll never know.

Do you have any ideas as to how groups can gradually change an infrastructure (such as the gov) without a coup or civil war?

I don't think I'm smart enough to figure that out. But you know, I really think Ben Mack is onto something. As he says, memes seem to control the thoughts and subsequently the actions of people. We need to get as good at spreading our memes as those currently in power are at spreading theirs. We've been at a disadvantage because of "their" control of the media. I think the internet really is starting to alter that balance of power. Little by little...

You have a great weekend too.

3:03 PM  

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